Another ugly blaaahg

May 26, 2009

Update to sources.list for 9.04

Filed under: Linux, Ubuntu — Ketil @ 9:56

Matteo Croce updated his mp4tools PPA for 9.04. Not all packages are in yet, I think, but you can still use packages for 8.10 as far as I know.

Head on over to my sources.list page to get my updated list. Note: Be extremely careful with the ubuntu-x-swat repo as it can potentially be highly unstable.

May 24, 2009

Lazyweb: Free web album software advice?

Filed under: Computers — Ketil @ 13:02

I’m thinking of getting a web space and fill it with pictures, both keep an online backup of stuff, and to be able to show family and friends photos by having them log in to a web album.

As of now, I have only ~8 GB of photos, but we all now that will increase rather fast as time goes.

My requirements:

  • Free, as in no cost, and free as in open source. As an absolute last resort, I’ll consider settling for paid software, provided terms are OK.
  • Needs to handle date and time well, otherwise defeating the whole point of having an album
  • Easy setup and maintenance for me, preferably a web UI for administration purposes. Being able to upload zips (or similar) would be great
  • Ease of use for visitors, a sane UI, thumbnailing. Them being able to download zips of photos is a huge plus.
  • Visitors need to log in to see the albums, and I should be able to set permissions per album. Securing my content is important to me. I want to have complete control of my data.
  • Needs to support common server setups (like Apache, PHP, MySQL), so I can more freely pick a service provider
  • Needs to run both locally on my computer, and online (so I can synchronize the local computer with the online stuff, and personally browse albums locally, saving time and bandwidth)
  • Some eye candy, ajaxy stuff would of course be great, but is not an absolute requirement.
  • Since I don’t know much about this, this list should likely be longer

Does anyone know of anything that works good?

May 1, 2009

Records broken — why?

Filed under: Computers, Linux, Ubuntu — Tags: , — Ketil @ 9:48

About a week ago, I published my sources.list, like I have done with both 8.04 and 8.10. Regretfully, I don’t remember when and how I published the 8.10 sources.list, but the most views I have had on my blog was just around release of 8.04, April 24th to be exact. The number was 800-something, and this being a poorly visited place, I was happy with that (Hey, it’s about 9 times the traffic I usually have).

Anyway, some things have happened with the release of 9.04. My numbers have increased hugely, and the last 9 days have made April ’09 the biggest month ever, with almost 8,000 views. That’s compared to April ’08, which had 5,456 views, and the previous record of May ’08, at 5,790. Here are the monthly numbers:

Monthly views

Monthly views

The biggest number for one day is now a whopping (to this blog) 1,148 views, on Sunday, April 26th, 2009. Here are the daily views:

Daily views

Daily views

Looking at the stats, there are no obvious clues as to why my numbers are spiking, there are no links on very popular sites that I know of (none that generates a lot of views, at least), no extra spreading of the word, etc.

So what? Well, the attribution factor is what interests me. I don’t make money on my blog, so to me it’s about the Ubuntu community. My thoughts related to my shattered records are that this can only be attributed to the fact that Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) has generated a great deal of interest (or hype, depending on your point of view).

Oh, and might I add, I think the interest is very well deserved. Jaunty is a great release, and I have not been as impressed since I started using Linux, waaay back on release of Fedora Core 1.

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